Dixie State College Theater: Boeing, Boeing

by Marc Camoletti
Adapted by Beverley Cross and Francis Evans 
Winner, 2008 Tony Award, Best Revival of a Play
Newly Revised. 2008 Broadway Revival Edition. 
This 1960’s French farce adapted for the English-speaking stage features self-styled Parisian lothario Bernard, who has French, German and American fiancees, each beautiful airline hostesses with frequent “layovers”. He keeps “one up, one down and one pending” until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris and Bernard’s apartment at the same time.
“This latest edition of a play named for an aircraft soars right out of its time zone and into some unpolluted stratosphere of classic physical comedy. Propelled by the same gusty spirit that animated Commedia dell’Arte and the silent films of Keaton, Chaplin and Lloyd, {this}may be earthy, but it’s seldom earthbound.” – The New York Times
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