Cotton Days 2012 in Washington City

Cotton Days 2012

The annual Washington City Cotton Days celebration will include a variety of events, including an ice cream social, junior rodeo , golf, fishing, a movie in the park, breakfast and more to celebrate the city’s history on May 7th -12th. 2012Β  Washington City is located off exit 10 next to St. George, Utah

May 5-12

May 5, 2012
8:00am Ironman Breakfast & Festival @ Buena Vista & Main St (Map)
Come eat pancakes and cheer on the Ironman participants as they pass on their bikes!
May 7, 2012
6:00pm Cotton Days Kick Off @ Washington City Community Center (Map)
Kick of the Cotton Days Celebration with food, swimming, and entertainment. $1 entry for non-members, non-residents. (Members and Residents FREE)
May 8, 2012
6:00pm Barrel Racing @ Millcreek Ranch (Map)
6:00pm Ice Cream Social @ Veterans Park (Map)
Enjoy hayride tours of historical Washington City, square dancing, and of course Ice Cream
May 9, 2012
5:00pm Jr. Rodeo @ Millcreek Ranch (Map)
Watch our local youth in their very own Jr. Rodeo. Register to participate in the event at the WCCC. Spectator fee $5, $20 for family of 6 Entry Form:
May 10, 2012
6:00pm Youth Fishing Derby @ Razor Ridge Urban Fishery (Map)
Bring your poles and fish, fish, fish! Washington City Royalty will be giving out prizes and awards. FREE!
May 11, 2012
9:00am Golf Tournament @ Green Spring Golf Course (Map)
$125 per person for a 2 day tournament. Price includes green fees, cart, prizes, lunch, and payoff.
7:00pm Dusk ’til Dawn Softball Tournament @ Washington City Ball Fields (Map)
The name says it all, play ball from dusk ’til dawn! Registration cost is $250 per team. Sign up at the Washington City Community Center. Flyer and Registration Form:
9:00pm Movie in the Park @ Community Center Park (Map)
Join the Washington City Chamber of Commerce as we watch Puss in Boots on the big screen.
May 12, 2012
7:00am Hell Hole 5K/10K @ Virgin River Trail (Map)
Register at or in person at the WCCC for our 5K or 10K race download the package here:
7:00am Lions Club Pancake @ Veterans Park (Map)
Eat breakfast as you watch the parade at Veterans Park. $5 per plate, $20 per family
9:00am Golf Tournament @ Green Spring Golf Course (Map)
$125 per person for a 2 day tournament. Price includes green fees, cart, prizes, lunch, and payoff.
9:00am Parade @ Telegraph Street 300e-100w (Map)
Parade From 300 E on Telegraph Ending on 100 W. Entry Form:
10:00am Cotton Fest @ Veterans Park (Map)
Celebrate the birth of our great city with a day in the park. Food, vendors, live entertainment, and games.
11:00am Tractor Pull @ Vacant Lot (Map)
6:00pm Team Sorting @ Millcreek Ranch (Map)